

I am hoping they told everyone they needed to tell because I can't hold it in any longer . . . .

I am going to have another niece/nephew this summer!!

cuppies I made to celebrate their baby!

Bry & Sommer are due to have their second kiddo at the end of August! They are amazing parents and have done such an awesome job with Bryce so far, and I know their love will double when they have this baby! I already have a day marked off in my vacation days for the birth day of my next niece/nephew! I can't wait!

My Nina!

It's been a while since I've posted about the kitties. Here is a cute pic of Nina in our wreath. We are still unpacking stuff (will it ever end?!) . . . but the kitties are having a ball with all the boxes and paper they can play in!


Pants on the Ground!

Anybody see American Idol the other night with the "pants on the ground" guy?!

If not, see here:

Well, we saw this SAME GUY in Atlanta in September of 2008 . . .little did we know he would be on national TV a year or so later!!

Such a small world . . . .


Snow, Snow, Snow!

Hey remember when we got all that snow??! No?! Let me remind you . . .
Our snow ranged from like 2 feet to like 5 feet in some places because of the drifts! It was crazy! We were trying to make a path to get firewood to our house!
Oh that was the night that our power went out too (country living = no water for potty or showers too)! We came home at 5:45pm with no power and it was still out at 10:15pm, so with it being 50 degrees in our house, we headed off to mommy and daddy's!


Late Christmas Cards!

Shane and I were so busy and had no time to take our Christmas card pictures for 2009 due to us moving into a new house, attending 11 different Christmas parties, working the busiest time of the year, and such . . . so Merry Belated Christmas!

Here is the winning pic:

And some other honorable mentions:

p.s. - It was pretty much negative two hundred degrees out when we took this. . . and I couldn't find our tripod, so we used one of the big cardboard boxes from our move. And for a few of the pics our remote wouldn't work (we took these ourselves), so I had to press the timer and sprint to Shane before the camera went off (in three feet snow)!


Party in Your Stomach!

Jon's Birthday is tomorrow!
Hope his stomach party isn't TOO hoppin!

p.s. - going out to dinner w/him and lots of trackies to catch up! Can't wait!