
Daddy's Birthday!

Sunday marked my daddy's 55th birthday. Am I allowed to write that?!

A fun collage I made him with pictures from when he was younger, some pictures of his other birthdays, and some pictures of all of us together.

For his birthday, my mom, dad, and Behren came over to our house to have some steaks on the grill, accompanied with some champagne (the cork flew like 5o feet in the air when it was opened), fresh fruit, potatoes, ranch cucumbers, and of course . . . cake!
I called my mom up a couple days before his birthday to see if she wanted me to order the cake or if she wanted to, and she said she already ordered it. . . I was kinda bummed because I REALLY wanted to get palm trees on his cake. I don't know why, I just did (he really likes warm weather). Turns out, when I asked what she got on it, she said "palm trees and a tropical theme"! Perfect. (She got the cake from International Bakery in case anyone was wondering).

So then, Behren helped my daddy open up all his presents.

And my daddy shared some of his gifts with Behren for all his hard work.

It is sooooooooo nice being home (and having our own house) and being able to celebrate all these special occasions with my family! One of these days (when I win the lottery . . . after I start playing the lottery), I'll be able to actually take my dad somewhere tropical for his birthday! Or heck, maybe we could all just live somewhere like that! I love you so much daddy!! :-)

1 comment:

amy grace said...

yay! i like "dad/jim" on the cake hahah ;)

also, if you win the lottery, take us somewhere tropical too kthnxbye