
Recycle! . . Everyone's Doing It!

Ok maybe not evvvveryone is recycling . . but that is my point . . . you should!! I am ashamed to say that Shane and I just started to recycle, but you gotta start sometime! And now should be your time!

It really is so simple to do, and you are helping out so much more than you know! Recycling helps:
  • Save Natural Resources
  • Save Energy
  • Save our Environment
  • Add Value to our Economy (Saves Money & Creates Jobs)
Washington Township has an awesome recycling program! Seriously, I didn't even know you could recycle so much! We fill up our two giant bins about once a week with recycle stuff! Maybe every two weeks, but still!

Here is Erie County's Recycling Program so you can see where the closest recycling facility is to you and what you can recycle!

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